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Tech PR in the Caucasus Countries

It's been a while since we wrote about Tech PR in Central Asia and the Caucasus, so we're making amends. Ahead of you are 2 detailed articles on the specifics of PR, working with journalists, etc. in 1) the Caucasus countries and 2) the Central Asian countries. This will be especially useful for companies that have just entered or are planning to enter these regions. Let's start with some general information relevant to both regions.

Common Traits of Tech Company PR

🔴Horizontal relationship markets

🔴News localization

🔴Physical presence in the region is important

🔴Non-European flow of time

🔴Few niche media outlets (virtually no IT publications)

🔴Free publication opportunities are possible, but budget for paid placements

🔴Exclusives work better

🔴Embargoes don't work

Main Differences Between Some Countries

Expectations vs Reality in PR

Overall, these points can be applied not only to the promotion of tech companies but will also work in other fields.

💡 Tips for Entering the New Markets of Central Asia and the Caucasus

Read even more useful information in our articles:

🔴On Classical PR, Trends and Promotion in Uzbekistan

Interview with Alexander Likhtman, founder of the PR agency ITCOMMS. Read

🔴Советы для бизнеса: сколько денег нужно на маркетинг и PR

В этой статье рассказали, какую роль играют маркетинг и PR в бизнесе, зачем инвестиций в них и как их определить объем тех самых инвестиций. Читать

🔴Медиапотребление на Кавказе: где найти свою целевую аудиторию?

Особенности потребления информации, про СМИ, силу личного бренда и комьюнити в Грузии и Армении. Подробный обзор со ссылками и примерами. Читать

🔴Медиапотребление в Центральной Азии: где найти свою целевую аудиторию?

Большой обзор медиарынка, эффективных площадок и каналов для продвижения в Казахстане, Узбекистане и Кыргызстане. С цифрами, ссылками и примерами. Читать

🔴Тонкости восточного PR: что важно знать тем, кто хочет работать в Центральной Азии

Статья на основе книги «PR по-азиатски. Честно о коммуникациях в Центральной Азии» про особенности коммуникаций и работы пиар-специалиста в нескольких странах этого региона. Читать

🔴Business Tips: How Much Money Do You Need for Marketing and PR?

This article discusses the role of marketing and PR in business, why to invest in them, and how to determine the amount of those investments. Read

🔴Media Consumption in the Caucasus: Where to Find Your Target Audience?

Features of information consumption, publications, the power of personal branding and communities in Georgia and Armenia. A detailed overview with links and examples. Read

🔴Media Consumption in Central Asia: Where to Find Your Target Audience?

A comprehensive overview of the media landscape, effective platforms and channels for promotion in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. With numbers, links and examples. Read

🔴The Nuances of Eastern PR: What's Important to Know for Those Who Want to Work in Central Asia

An article based on the book "PR the Asian Way. Honestly About Communications in Central Asia" on the specifics of communications and the work of a PR specialist in several countries in this region. Read

Top Steps a Company Entering a New Market Needs to Take

📝Conduct market research

📝Get consulting from local experts

📝Formulate key messaging

📝Select the right tone of voice for the market

📝Determine which media, influencers, organizations you need

📝Establish physical presence in the region

📝Use a super-adaptive approach in communication

On the Specifics of PR in the Caucasus Region

Our expert on PR in the Caucasus countries, Alina Morozova, directly from Tbilisi, shares the nuances of communications in this region:

Characteristics of Communications in the Caucasus:

🔴Horizontal relationship market

🔴Prefer to learn news not from media, but from neighbors and social media

🔴More interested in local news

🔴Tense political and social situation

🔴Requires support from communities or government institutions

🔴Very low work pace

🌀 Specifics of PR: Georgia

🔴Materials only in the Georgian language

🔴Difficult to find PR specialists, mostly work in-house

🔴Local IT communities are actively working

🔴There are niche media outlets, e.g. about cryptocurrency

🔴International companies duplicate brand name in Georgian

🔴Rarely provide bonus articles for paid publications

🔴Communicate with journalists in English

〰️ Language

99% of the population consumes content in Georgian

〰️Popular Social Media

Facebook - 74.7%Youtube - 8.3% Instagram - 8.1%

〰️Media Characteristics

Politicized media. Developed English-language media market.

💠 Specifics of PR: Armenia

We've covered Georgia, moving on to Armenia!

🔴Materials in Armenian, duplicated in Russian

🔴Many local PR specialists, professional associations exist

🔴Communicate with journalists in Russian

🔴Provide bonus articles for paid publications

🔴There is a journalists' chat and even a dedicated website

🔴Cannot propose speakers with Azerbaijani or Turkish names


90% of the population consumes information in Armenian

〰️Popular Social Media

Facebook - 41.6% Instagram - 34.1% VKontakte - 5.2%

〰️Media Characteristics

Most people learn news from social media. In light of recent events, the news agenda is more politicized.

💠 Specifics of PR: Azerbaijan

After Georgia and Armenia, it's Azerbaijan's turn. Here are the PR nuances in this country:

🔴Materials in Azerbaijani, but Russian is also possible

🔴Can find local PR specialists

🔴Communicate with journalists in English and Russian

🔴Often work without a contract for paid publications

🔴Cannot propose speakers with Armenian names


The main language is Azerbaijani

〰️Popular Social Media

Instagram - 36.5% Facebook - 19.6%VKontakte - 17.1%

〰️Media Characteristics

Internet media is displacing newspapers. TV and media are politicized, few independent outlets.

🔴Specifics of Working with Journalists in the Caucasus Countries

Knowing PR tools and principles is not enough. You also need to be able to work with the media, have warm contacts with journalists, know how to pitch, etc. Therefore, we decided to compile a separate list of specifics for working with journalists in the Caucasus countries.


🔺Embargoes on news don't work

🔺Sense that there is no competition between media

🔺Don't run after clickbait headlines

🔺Often rework press release text

🔺Weak commentary work

🔺Willing to make edits to already published materials

🔺Treat exclusives with reverence

🔺Love events

Three Steps to Start Working with the Media:

Step 1. Compile a list of relevant media. Tip: Ask the editorial team or journalist about the reach of the media. Similarweb underestimates the numbers.

Step 2. Look for journalists by topic. Tip: Study who writes about what, then approach with specifics. Be helpful!

Step 3. Provide quality material

What Formats Work Well?

🔻News and press releases

🔻Analytical articles


🔻Women empowerment

Where to Write to Journalists?

Georgia – LinkedIn

Armenia – Facebook

Azerbaijan – LinkedIn/Facebook

What Should Smaller Companies Talk About?

The main task is to stand out.

🔺Emphasize your uniqueness

🔺Talk about market entry, opening a branch – this shows the country's economy is developing

What Formats Work Well in Caucasus Media?

Let's go into more detail on what formats work best in the media of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan:

🐈News and Press Releases

🔹Localization is important

🔹Media is interested in collaborations/mentions of local players and government departments

🔹As well as comments from government department representatives

🐈Analytical Articles

🔹Clearly explaining the impact on the local market

🔹Containing insider information

What We Suggest:

🔹High-quality analytics with lots of figures

🔹Revealing how the information impacts the market


🔹Exclusive only

🔹Speaker is a native speaker

🔹Can get a regular TV segment

🐈Women Empowerment

🔹Global stories about women

Show the importance of the story, overcoming problems and success

In the next articles we'll cover PR in Central Asia.

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