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Alina Morozova

PR-сарапшы.Кавказ елдері

Алина-Intel, F5 Networks және Universal Robots сияқты IT алыптарымен тәжірибесі мол PR стратегияларын әзірлеудегі кәсіби маман. Ол дағдарыстық коммуникацияларды, әлеуметтік желілер мен медиадағы іс-шараларды жүргізуді жақсы біледі

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About Alina

A journalist by profession, but a PR specialist by vocation. Has extensive experience working with IT companies such as Intel, F5 Networks, Universal Robots, where she implemented PR strategies in Russia and the CIS B2B segment together with the HQs of these companies.

Alina gained significant crisis PR experience while working at MegaFon, which is why she sees further growth opportunities here. Worked as a Team Leader of Media Operations for FIFA 2018. Has extensive experience in PR support of brands both at the federal and regional levels. In addition to traditional PR, she knows how to handle social media and has worked with major brands (Hisense, F5 Networks) and also promoted the X-WATERS international open water swimming series in Russia and abroad.

Speaks two languages - English and German, dreams of mastering French. In her free time she travels and plays volleyball.



 Step-by-step instructions for crisis management


If you have any questions, contact Alina, She will get back to you ASAP 

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